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Passionate About Inspiring Others

My greatest achievement is knowing myself 

I've done quite well in life when you measure attainment from the start line. Would I have been able to get this far had i not spent time and energy doing what I call the 'inner work'? I doubt it very much, and even though I have come this far, I know that there is so much more to me and you, and this fuels my passion for coaching myself and others. That's right, I coach myself all the time and every time I do, a get a real and positive shift.  I work full-time in the city as the Head of Business Development for a professional services firm but am so passionate about human potential that I spend most my spare time assisting others to evolve more fully and deeply into their greatness.


Over the years I have amassed a great deal of experience in a number of areas including running a successful health and beauty business for 7 years and coaching athletes. I have also worked in a number of industry sectors such as insurance, tourism, publishing, legal and retail and at my lowest experienced the despair and desperation of not knowing how I would provide for my family. Doing the inner work helped me to overcome the self-limiting beliefs that created the 'lows' in my life and recreate my mindset so that I could enjoy more 'highs'.  As I work with my clients on a personal level I draw on this experience as well as my  knowledge and understanding as a mother, stepmother, wife, divorcee, businesswoman and professional to assist the  transformation of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual life patterns which prevent optimal living experiences. As an executive coach, I have been able to use my skills and experience to guide professionals to achieve congruency within themselves for optimal performance and also to better align with the objectives of their organisations to support career development. 


I have an LSE MBA certificate and have an honours degree in business studies. I also and studied for a postgraduate diploma with the Chartered Institute of Marketing. I am a PER-K® Catalyst (a proven process for rewriting the software of the subconscious mind to dramatically increase personal and professional performance); an advanced Psych-K® Facilitator (a combination of NLP and Kinesiology for personal wellbeing and happiness); a Reiki Master and teacher (proven practice for the relief of stress in the mind and body); a SRT and SpR Practitioner (facilitating the release of negative energy that block or limit personal growth) and I offer individual and organisational consultancy, as well as workshops, webinars and one to one sessions. 


What others say about me


  • Carine helped me identify issues and concerns I had around my work that were impacting my performance. The work that Carine did with me was so effective, it increased my focus and contributed significantly to gaining two new contracts.  Mekor Newman, Director 


  • The different techniques she uses may seem a bit unconventional at first but they are simple and non-intrusive which, coupled with her incredible insight and compassion make for very powerful tools indeed. After one session only I felt lighter, clearer, stressed free and ready to take on the world. I am able to see things more clearly, thus making informed decisions and allowing both professional projects and family life to flow and grow. It is difficult to explain or quantify how much working with her is benefiting me, not only on a professional level but also on a personal one. I have now worked with her in one to one sessions and a group workshop and each time she has demonstrated complete dedication and professionalism. I could not recommend anybody more highly. Anne Tison, Office Manager


  • Thank you Carine for your excellent consultation and supportive approach, through your knowledge and expertise I have become better at utilising my personal power in my business. You have made a great impact to my architectural business success. Cherry Baillie, Architect






  • Professional Indemnity Insurance


Chatham Palace

Kitchener Barracks


Kent, ME4 4GJ


Tel: +44 (0) 7895 699606



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