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3 steps to increasing your state of abundance

There is no difference between our energy and our money. Science has proven that everything is made up of energy. Everything has a vibration - even money.

Money is made of energy and is quite simply an effective means of exchanging energy with other people and businesses. We are energetic beings with an electrical and consequently a magnetic field. Our magnetic fields attract things that are similar in vibration to our own. Like attracts like. Consequently, if you wish to attract more 'positive' money experiences it pays to be in a higher energetic vibration.

Quantum physics and biology has shown that we are constantly choosing outcomes to situations with our feelings. We create more of what we feel. It's the law of Cause and Effect.

We create more of what we feel.


So, if you want more abundance, the first step is to focus on creating and sustaining a feeling of abundance. In fact, if you want more of anything focus on the feeling of having that thing. Gratitude is the quickest route, by just focusing on the things that your love and appreciate your abundance factor multiplies exponentially. It really is that simple in principle. But if you truly understand what I have just said, you will also recognise that many of our feelings have actually pushed money away from us - our negative thoughts and feelings create a negative movement on bank balances. Believe me I know.

Some of these thoughts and feelings may be habitual, stemming from past experiences and childhood conditioning, others may have evolved through trauma - highly charged emotional experiences.


You do not have to be stuck in any situation, you have free will and you can use it to make choices that will support you to transform your life. In fact, that is right way to use your free will, not to force or coerce anything or anyone to do one thing or the other, but to consistently choose better thoughts and feelings for yourself. There is a famous prayer that says 'Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all Evil' which is actually a plea to your inner wisdom to help you to make choices that lead you to a better place.


Having said that, the next step requires you to observe the wisdom of nature reflected in the seasons. It is all about timing. Having harnessed the power of our WILL to think constructive thoughts which trigger supportive feelings we also have to recognise that we are part of a ecosystem which operates within natural laws. Just as our energy vibration can change with a thought, so the universal energies change with the movement of the planets. But just as night follows day and Spring follows Winter the time for you to manifest the harvest of your thoughts will come. Never believe that your hard work is in vein - your time is coming.


That brings us quite nicely to the final step - Believing. You have to believe with all your heart that you can have the abundance and that you deserve the abundance. Believing in your heart, meaning believing with conviction or knowing, can be the tricky bit and not as easy as it first sounds, but it is very possible when you know how.

Have you noticed that I have not mentioned anything about working hard here, well not in the physical sense. The only hard work required is internal - maintaining focus, keeping your eye single despite how things may appear externally.

Do this and you should gradually (or quickly depending on your circumstance) see a shift in your prosperity.

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