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Universal Truth Number 1: The Love of ONE is shared by all.

Updated: Jun 2

The first of a 13 blog series.

Universal Truth Number 1: The Love of ONE is shared by ALL



ONE is all that there is, it the collective. ONE is made of everything and there is not one thing in our existence that is not a part of ONE. Just as your body with all of its parts makes a whole, so it is with life – ONE is the whole of existence. If your body is the whole, does it make sense to love your hand more than your foot? You may think one is more pleasing to the eye than the other, but both serve a valuable purpose and life without either would be challenging as many of our fellow humans who do not have both hands and feet can attest. It makes sense to love both your hand, your foot and all other parts of yourself because each serves a purpose. So it is with existence, everything, and I do mean everything, serves a purpose and is therefore loved.


You might say that you have an attribute or behaviour that you do not love, but that is only because you are aware of another attribute or behaviour that you have judged to be better. However, you could not compare anything if you did not have an opposite to compare with. Therefore, both are valuable and worthy to be loved because they allow you to experience polarities. Love and acceptance of all, despite what they may appear to be, frees you to experience your birth-right which is inner peace.


You will find as I run through the Universal Truths that there are elements of each truth within the others – all representing another perspective of the greater truth which I will leave for readers to deduce.

The Love of ONE 


The Love of ONE is a creative power that is shared by all and not just a select few and this love (creative power) is infinite. Just as you may have seen the power of love to move mountains in your own life, so it is on a much larger scale within ONE. Love is the source of power for all created things. Faith is the other side of fear and all gradations, including courage, trust, anger and hate are in between. You can create through Faith or through Fear but the creative power that is Love remains the same because all is Love even when it does not appear that way. It is your intention when using the creative power that is love that leads to differing outcomes and experiences that are perceived as either good and bad - none of which is truth. It is just the perception of the observer.

The love of ONE is self-love because ONE is all there is.


While ONE is the Collective of all things, SPIRIT is the Source of all things. We are all connected to SPIRIT though unbreakable lines of love just as every aspect of the physical body is connected by nerves to the command centre in the brain.


The creative power that is love comes from SPIRIT, a source that is infinite – which means that it can never run out and that there is enough for everyONE and everything in creation.


So what does this mean in everyday life?

If there is enough of this creative juice and it is never going to run out, we do not need to compete with each other for anything other than fun or sport. We definitely do not need to compete in order to eat, drink, have a home, build wealth or find love. There is no scarcity. No ONE needs to lose for another to prosper. This revelation begs a very important question - Are the economic theories upon which our world depends, flawed?


All ONE ever needs to do is to learn how to command the creative power of love and you will be able to create everything you need and want for yourself. It is scientific – it is cause and effect. Explained more in later Truths.




How does it show up in your life when you are not sharing in the Love of ONE?

Those who have or are experiencing debt, sibling rivalry, jealously and ailments on the left side of the body – all of which I have experienced, are displaying signs of an imbalance.


Debt –Spending more than you receive.

Do you feel unworthy of love and therefore unable to hold onto wealth?

Are you trying to buy the love of others by spending money you do not have?

Sibling Rivalry – Competing for a source of love

Do you believe that your earthly parents are the source of love and that there is inequity in the distribution of their love?

Jealousy - Competing for a source of love

Do you get upset when a loved one’s attention goes elsewhere?

Body Language/Left side - inability to receive

Is your body trying to communicate with you? Do you have ailments on the left side of the body which is associated with the feminine receptive energy?


Your first step to freedom as was mine is learning how to direct the creative power of Love to yourself. We are all ONE and you can command the power of ONE that is already within by loving and accepting yourself and your circumstances just as and where you are.


As you begin to appreciate all that is good in your life (and it is all good despite appearances) you begin to allow yourself to receive the love that is already yours. No ONE has more love available to them than any other – it’s yours to claim right now.


The things that you may struggle to be grateful for will need to be regarded from a different perspective. There are 360 degrees by which any situation can be viewed and we generally see less than 10 degrees of the whole picture at any one time.


If there is no way that you could imagine a circumstance being positive you might consider leaning into faith that somewhere within the other 350 degrees that you are unable to conceive, something worthwhile is emerging.


You may have beliefs, perceptions and judgements that you incarnated with that need to be addressed as did I, particularly putting myself into debt by attempting to buy the love of others. Personally, I was not able to feel the love of ONE for myself due to deeply held anger. The emotion of anger is good and needed to deal with situations in the moment, but anger that is not released is held within the body and can result in inflammation within the body. Inflammation is one of the principal causes ill health and disease in our world today. But it is possible to overcome these challenges and when you do, the floodgates open to an abundance of love, wealth, health, good fortune and genuine romantic love. Everything springs from self-love.


The love of ONE is shared by all - are you ready to take the necessary steps to receive it.


Your Diet:

Life is like a calculator, you can only work with what you put in it. So choose a diet that will support your wellbeing and happiness. Below are some ideas and suggestions.




Auditory Diet

Music can transport your consciousness to higher or lower vibrations. Here are a few songs that will be helpful in your journey to ONE love. More will be shared in future blogs:

All you need is love - The Beatles

One Love - Bob Marley and the Wailers

Now That We Found Love - Third World

Let Your Love Flow - The Bellamy Brothers

All Good, All Good Holy Holy - Rickie Byers Beckwith

Wonderful World, Beautiful People - Jimmy Cliff

Mental Diet

A helpful mantra or affirmation would be - Everyone deserves love

Nutritional Diet

Anti-Inflammatory foods are helpful including Cacao as well as blue and purple foods



Good water charged with positive intentions helps to release old emotions. When drinking, intend into the water whatever you want. Blue Solar Water (spring water placed in an indigo blue bottle and placed in the sun for an hour) is particularly helpful.


Breathe through the heart for 6 minutes evert day to establish Heart Coherence.



Bounce on your toes and wave your arms up above your head - work for up to two minutes. Use variations to move the body if you have challenges getting onto your toes or raising your arms. Any intentional movement to shake stuck emotions is good.



Consciously monitor thoughts and forgive yourself and others as negative thoughts arise - doesn't matter what the thought is. If it does not feel good, forgive yourself and the subject matter.

Most of all be kind to yourself and others – humanity has forgotten who we truly are and this is often reflected in the unloving behaviour we see displayed everyday – They do not know what they are doing. Forgive them.

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