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Universal Truth Number 2: The Boundaries of Creation are an Illusion

Updated: Jun 8

The second of a 13 blog series

Thought is the tool used to develop ideas generated from the sparks of SOURCE inspiration. Everything in creation was first a spark of thought and as such we are only limited by the thoughts we do or do not have.


As humans, we need a support system to inhabit a planet and the planet that we now live on has the ideal support system to sustain life and left to itself would continue to do so for a very long time. Our solidified thoughts, otherwise known as beliefs, about the planet and its abilities to support or not support us creates our experiences because that is what we believe and not because that is the truth.


So what does this mean in everyday life?

The perimeter or boundaries of the planet creates the illusion of limited resources and feeds the belief of not enough-ness. We therefore believe that we need to compete for the planets resources – land, water, labour, energy and therefore need to explore new territory as these resources get used up. The truth is that on this planet alone, there is enough and beyond what we are able to perceive there is more.


In the fictitious children’s movie ‘Horton Hears a Who’ – we see that a whole world of individuals called ‘Whos’ existed on the head of a flower which was itself part of another bigger world. In fact, we know that if you were to venture inwards within our own bodies there are worlds or colonies of micro-organisms in existence living symbiotically or parasitically within us. Depending on the diet, some microbes support our health and vitality while others have another agenda, and potentially there are even smaller organisms living within those organisms. If you were to look outward in the other direction, humans live symbiotically with planet earth, although many would argue that we are more like parasites or even pests. And if we ventured out further still into our galaxies, who knows  what we would discover -  our planet is in fact a part or cell in an even larger organism.


Creation is infinite in both directions.


So what?


You are an essential part of life, you are relied upon by so many others not just your human loved ones. Everything that you contribute is important to the expansion of creation. You are worthy and what you contribute is worthwhile even if society with its limited perception of what life is, places no value on it. All is essential to the whole that is ONE.


There are no limitations upon you except those society have placed on you and those you place upon yourself because of what society has told you. No concept of limitation is true. Creation is limitless and you as part of creation are also limitless. It cannot be any other way.


Einstein taught us that ‘energy is’ – meaning that energy is neither created or destroyed. It only changes form. You and your thoughts are particles of energy that exist and can change form, but can never be destroyed. You exist with or without a body because you are part of creation. Your thoughts exist as ideas or as real manifested things. You can use your thoughts to think about things that already exist or you can use them to think about new unexplored ideas. If you can think it, it can exist – there are no limits.






“Mind is the master that moulds and makes and man is mind and evermore she takes, the tools of thought and shaping what she wills, creates a thousand joys, a thousand ills. She thinks in secret and it comes to pass. Environment is her looking glass.” (James Allen 1914/Adapted 2024)


Mind is the field of information of the ONE MIND which you can draw from and contribute to. You have a mind within the mind of SPIRIT which is your personal energy field or aura. This energy field or aura contains your physical body and is connected to everything and everyone else and this is where the idea of psychic abilities and related phenomena arises. Some are able to tap into this information field and obtain information that others are oblivious to.


Science now tells us that approximately 90% of the average 70,000 thoughts that pass through our consciousness each day are the same thoughts we had yesterday and the days before that. Thoughts that we repeat often enough become our beliefs and the majority of us have the same thoughts about our existence every day and have come to believe in a limited world with a limited supply of resources that is unable to sustain humanity and have therefore created this reality for ourselves.


How does it show up in your life?

The belief in lack and limitation causes people to steal, lie, cheat, compete, miss-sell, be miserly or stingy because they believe that there is not enough and that in order to prosper they must take it from someone else and if they have prosperity they need to guard it with their lives. This idea leads to the selfish behaviour that is damaging to the planet. The planet is a self-regulating organism that will correct imbalances caused by parasites without humanities help, however the correction will likely be catastrophic to human life as the planet aims to free itself from harm.


There are those however, who do not buy into this idea of limited planetary resources who are living abundant lives. They have chosen to use their willpower to choose thoughts that support the idea of an unlimited existence and consequently have a different experience of life. It is tough to do this when you are swimming against the tide or information field filled with world views focussed on limitation, but it is possible.


As more and more people choose to go this route it will become easier for others, but currently it is the road less travelled but it will be travelled by all eventually. That is the only way that we can grow beyond this limited perspective of life and our current planet situation is such that it needs to change if we are to rise to a new level of existence on the planet.

To overcome your own self-inflicted limitations try something different everyday. Without judgment, read something outside of your normal materials, eat something different, go somewhere new, speak to someone you have never spoken to before, disrupt your routine – explore your limitless life and watch how creation bends to your new perspective.


The boundaries of creation is an illusion – creation is infinite

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