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Why Should You Love Your Enemies?

Throughout history, all of our greatest teachers have been telling us what we need to do when we experience an injustice, but we haven’t really understood. Today, more than any other time in history there is the biggest need for us to love all others unconditionally no matter what the outward appearance. This is the only way for us to move towards experiencing a life of justice, truth and freedom. Empathy is the champion of emotional intelligence and the only remedy to all the challenges we currently face in 2020.

"Empathy - The Champion of Emotional Intelligence"

So here is the why which needs to be compelling in order to shift patterns of behaviour that have existed from the beginning of human existence. The why is very logical - it has to make sense and here it is:

You will perpetuate the patterns of behaviour that cause you to harm or kill yourselves and others, including loved ones, if you cannot find it within yourself to love unconditionally. You will be assisting with the demise of humanity if you don’t, you will literally be harming yourselves and those you love.

Let’s support this sweeping statement with the facts -

Anything that causes you to feel stress or anxiety for sustained periods of time raises your cortisone levels and activates your sympathetic nervous system (fight mode). Your organs and body begin to work harder to maintain homeostasis (balance) and over time unwanted symptoms begin to show. So you go from a temporary emotion of anger, frustration, resentment or confusion to a chronic state of stress which produces dis-ease. After prolonged periods of stress illnesses arise and you and or those you love suffer (not the perpetrator!).

So the WHY is that you will literally harm yourself possibly leading to early death if you cannot love unconditionally. If it doesn’t happen through illness, you will attract harmful circumstances that reflect or mirror the pain and suffering you have chosen to hold within yourself because like attracts like. So to me there is no other solution but empathy.

People from all sorts of backgrounds have been oppressed for as long as history has records. Over time we have seen some progress but it is very slow in coming. Though humanity continues to make progress, you have to realise that the major change you seek be it at a personal, national or global level may not happen in your lifetime - recent history is clearly telling us that.

When we look at eastern traditions and the study of human evolution you can see that while we are past the darkest of times in the cycle of human evolution, we have 1000s of years to go before humanity is fully enlightened again. Things can get better in a lifetime but not sufficiently so for you to feel completely satisfied with it, so what can you do here and now?

You can continue with the pursuit of equity, equality, fairness, justice and freedom (notice that I do not say "fight for") and you use your power of empathy to help you to release daily stresses so that you can remain healthy and of sound mind - so that you can continue to play your role in this stage show. When you fight against anything, that thing builds resistance and becomes stronger. Do not give it your energy, instead choose to pursue what you want and do not give your energy, focus or attention to anything you do not want.

When you and all the actors leave the stage of this live or life performance, you will come to realise that we are all the same when the masks are removed and we get out of the character we have assumed. In this life we have all been playing roles, some are rich some are poor some are wicked, others lovely, some are black, white, brown and all the colours in between but when the masks are off, every soul is the same. We are playing these different roles to experience them and to wake up while we are in character to remember that we are all in fact cut from the same cloth no matter what our earthly or galactic origins.

People need to use the emotions of anger, frustration, resentment to motivate themselves to seek answers, seek the truth, get educated and to educate others so that they can adapt in their roles in this stage show called life and advance the cause of waking others to remembering who and what you really are, beautiful and kind souls. Look for the good in everyone no matter how cleverly disguised it may be.

Empathy helps you to forgive and let go - not forget. Most people know this, but sometimes it doesn’t come easy when associated with fear, anger, frustration and resentment - but it can help.

"But how can I demonstrate empathy to perpetrators? Those who cause harm? Those who inhibit freedom? Those who fabricate the truth?"

Looking for lessons help. In every situation, no matter how painful, there is an opportunity to learn and grow. If you are able to change perspective and view each challenging situation as an opportunity for growth, it takes the bite out of it and slowly the lessons become less

painful. Oftentimes, perpetrators are actually perpetuating the harm caused to them and are acting out of deeply ingrained subconscious patterns. They need compassion and forgiveness and not the poisonous darts of hatred and negative energy they often arouse from those they harm, which only adds to their negative patterns of behaviour.

Gratitude, seeing the glass as half full. The sun rises everyday, you inhale and exhale, you are alive and there is always the opportunity for something new and better to happen, if you choose to do this new day a little bit differently than you did yesterday. You have freewill to think whatever you choose - use your mind to think empowering thoughts. Everything in this world began as a thought - so breathe, think big and focus on all that is good, all that you are thankful for, all that you appreciate in life. You will feel better instantly.

Kindness. Demonstrating kindness to yourself and others, impacts your life is such a positive way. The positive energy generated by your kindness amplifies and has far reaching effects. Do not underestimate the power of your kindness even if the evidence is not immediately obvious or appreciated.

Create a story. Stories, many of them untrue have been used throughout time to sell an idea, convince people to do one thing or another. Use a story or an excuse to help you to empathise with others' actions. It is easier for you to excuse someone who does not understand something than it is to excuse deliberate injustices. My excuse or story for most people is that they really do not have a clue about the true nature of life and happiness. The funny things is that this story it is absolutely true, if they did understand the true nature of life, they certainly would not behave in the way that they do. Forgive them for they know not what they do!

Be of Good Cheer, Be Kind to Yourself and Others, Forgive for your sake not theirs!

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