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The 13 Universal Truths

Fundamental truths that will allow you to reclaim your personal power and take charge of your life

130 British pounds
Dock Road

Service Description

The turbulence of the current times heralded the official commencement of the age of Aquarius on 21st Dec 2020. With this new age comes the opportunity for humanity to unlock their true nature and collectively create a life that is for the good of all and not just a select few. This programme will provide insight into the 13 Universal Truths, what they are and the importance of truly understanding them at every level of being. The blocks to understanding these truths are deeply imprinted in the subconscious mind and have to date, prevented humanity from evolving to its true potential. However, now is the best time ever for humanity to reclaim their power as creators and to finally put the sheep mentality to rest. Each session will provide an overview of each of the Truths. At the end of the 13 weeks delegates will be given the opportunity to fully assimilate the truths in a final session.

Contact Details

  • Kitchener Barracks, Dock Road, Chatham, UK

    07895 699606

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